Caledonia Locksmith

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Caledonia Locksmith in Caledonia, Wisconsin: What to Do When Transponder Key is Lost

How often do you check your pockets for your key? We all know that the way we carry our keys can make them vulnerable to theft or getting lost. The more careful you are with your keys, the lesser the chances of something bad happening to them. But, sometimes losing our keys seem to be inevitable.

If you have lost your keys, call Caledonia Locksmith in Caledonia, Wisconsin. We can provide you with a new set of keys in no time. We work with transponder keys too. Just call us and let us know what has happened to your key and we will figure out the best way to help you.

Keep Your Transponder Key Close

Some people think that because they have a transponder key, it is not prone to some of the things that a regular key would be prone to. This is a very wrong thought. Transponder keys can undergo many problems that you can face with your regular keys. It can get lost, it can be stolen and it definitely can get damaged too.

Your transponder key can end up anywhere. If you are not careful and you leave your key just about anywhere, you can end up losing it. It’s not like there’s a tracking device that is built into the key. You have to remember where you placed the key. If you forget, it spells problems for you. Without the transponder key, you won’t be able to start the vehicle. Make sure that you know where it is at all times.

Moreover, it is very expensive to replace transponder keys. If you ever need to get a new transponder key, expect to pay a whole lot more than you would for a regular key. Plus, transponder keys may need to be programmed too. This also costs quite a bit of money to be done. The better you treat your keys and the more careful you are with your keys, the less likely it will be for you to have to spend a lot of money on it.

The Difference Between Transponder Keys and Regular Keys

Transponder keys are very similar to regular car keys but they are very different. How can this be? Well, transponder keys tend to have all the characteristics of a regular key. It’s just that they have the added feature of a transponder chip. This transponder chip is what makes the biggest difference between both types of keys.

Don’t take this difference lightly. The transponder chip is a big part of how the transponder key works. Without it, your vehicle won’t be able to start. This is why it is so important that you do not lose your transponder key or the chip that is inside it. But, no matter how careful you are with your keys, sometimes things will go wrong. If it does and you lose your key, just make sure that you find a reputable locksmith in your area to provide you with a new transponder key.

What to Do If You Lose Your Transponder Key

Once you think about a scenario where someone loses their key, there is one solution that should immediately come to mind- a locksmith. For years, locksmiths have been the go-to source for help when keys get lost or stolen- and rightly so. Locksmiths are trained to handle all sorts of issues relating to keys and making or duplicating keys is one task that they are extremely famous for handling.

If you lose your transponder key, before you call the locksmith, make sure that there is absolutely no way for you to get in your vehicle. This includes thinking about spare keys. However, it excludes breaking a window just to get inside. If you have lost your keys, no matter how desperate you are to get inside your vehicle, breaking a window to get in may not be the best solution for you. This so-called solution may end up costing you a whole lot more money in the long run.

Yes, transponder keys are expensive to make, but that doesn’t mean that it is less expensive to replace your window. Call on a locksmith in your area to help you. Many locksmiths have a very good response rate to emergencies and they can get to you quickly to provide assistance. Although some locksmiths do not have the technology required to make transponder keys, there are many locksmiths who do.

So, why would you call your locksmith instead of the dealer?

  1. You may not be able to get a transponder key from your dealer as quickly as you can get one from a locksmith.
  2. Your dealer will charge you a much higher price for making or duplicating your transponder key so you will save money by using a locksmith.
  3. Locksmiths often have mobile solutions so you may not have to visit the physical office while you may have to find your way to your dealer’s location.

Whatever You Do, Don’t Lose Your Transponder Key!

This is obvious, right? It should make a lot of sense too. If you want to avoid all the hassle and drama that comes along with losing a transponder key, the best thing to do is make sure that you do not lose it in the first place.

Moreover, when you lose your keys, you have no idea whose hands it will end up in. We’re sure you do not want to wake up one morning and see your vehicle missing from the driveway because someone used your lost key to drive it away. Protect your key. Keep it close. If you have to, use devices such as a key finder or employ some other strategy that will help to decrease the chances of you losing the key.

No matter what you do though, the possibility still exists that you may lose your key. If you do lose it, just call the experts at Caledonia Locksmith in Caledonia, Wisconsin. We can make a new transponder key for you and we offer many other automotive locksmith services.